Solar Ricardo

Solar Ricardo

Monday, December 17, 2012

Addendum to the last post...

image by Don Rock, Terror Worldwide
I got a lot of responses to the last post- I just wanted to clarify a few points.

I don't equate gun ownership with liberty. Owning a gun won't stop the homeland security forces from raiding your house- for more than a few minutes. Ask David Koresh. I'm not particularly attached to my guns. So personally, I'm not taking that stance. I think if you are worried about liberty, your time is better spent backing the EFF than the NRA. But unlke the UK, the guns are ALREADY OUT THERE. We can't get from here to there. Law abiding folks will give them up willingly, or grudgingly, but a lot of people will see this as the line that will not be crossed and they will become the outlaws they always fantisized they would be. It will create a whole new class of "domestic terrorists". It fulfills a self-fulfilling prophecy. Taking guns really would become the first step to tyranny, because a whole class of people want that to be the case. They are begging for it. The feds know that it's just not going to happen, or if it does it will be UGLY. Here's another idea. Pull out of ALL foreign entanglements. Reduce the military budget by 2/3. Allow that money to go back into the economy and improve peoples lives. Let's stop the prison industrial complex and reform drug laws- that would reduce illegal gun traffic by -what- 90%? Let's get some decent health care happening, so sick, delluded, paranoid people can address these problems. Let's get election reform so peoples voices can be heard and we don't have to fear our government. Let's abolish the "National Guard" and return militias to the states, so people who want to receive military training can get it in their state helping and defending their neighbors, not kicking in doors and shooting children in Fallujah. THEN, and only then, will people stop feeling like they need to defend their "Liberty". THEN, maybe we can have a society where people don't feel they need to bury ammo in their back yard.

1 comment:

  1. OK We just wanted to do this quick introduction post. Our name is DFW Makers Club, located in Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex area in the state of Texas. We are to our knowledge the latest hackerspace to open up in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. We are for the most part a group of students who have started this project and are going through the steps to eventually open our doors to the public at large reasonably early next year. We are trying to meet up to our challenges and overcome them in the process to build a model organization. Our central goal is for our hackerspace to act as a community oriented nonprofit workshop helping people of all walks of life pursue technology and industrial related interests both as a group and as individuals. We shall do that by:

    1. Educating, teaching and instructing youths, school children, the unemployed who wants to gain new employable skills etc etc and we shall spread our knowledge, knowhow and expertise in the fields in which we as a group or as individuals may excel.

    2. By giving the community at large access to tools, expertise, knowhow and manpower in order to work on their own projects and also contribute to the hackerspace in their own right.

    3. By recruiting among our local communities and by having regular get together in order to build solidarity with and among our hackerspace, our immediate community and the overall community of Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. We also aim to reach out, network and build friendships with other hackerspaces.

    The challenges faced by our organization are many but the most debilitating one is that of a general lack of resources esp. at the rate that we are expanding our overall activity. Given the fact that most of the members of our hackerspace are students and as enthusiastic as we are we come from mostly humble backgrounds. Therefore in order to meet our economic and resource related challenges - namely a dedicated workspace open to all 24/7, we are considering raising capital and are interested in starting a kickstarter campaign. What do you guys think? We are interested in hearing from established hackerspaces such as yourself. Let us know if you have any questions, we will be glad to reply and update you with the pertinent information. And of course we would definitely appreciate any word of advice and any support in substance and/or in spirit.

    You can follow us on our website hackerspace and

    Thank You.
